
Twitter widget
Twitter widget

twitter widget

Increase social engagement between you and your users, customers, or fans.Enter your own custom CSS or JavaScript for even deeper customization of your Tweetsįor simple step-by-step directions on how to set up the Custom Twitter Feeds plugin please refer to our setup guide.Display a beautiful header at the top of your Twitter feed.Fully internationalized and translatable into any language.Built-in easy to use “Custom Twitter Feeds” Widget makes it easy to display Tweets from any Twitter account.Infinitely load more of your Tweets with the ‘Load More’ button.Post caching means that your Twitter feed loads lightning fast and minimizes Twitter API requests.

twitter widget

  • Display multiple Twitter feeds from different Twitter users on multiple pages or widgets.
  • Display Tweets from any user, your own Twitter account and those you follow, or from a specific hashtag.
  • Completely responsive and mobile optimized – your Twitter feeds work on any screen size.
  • Twitter feed content is crawlable by search engines adding SEO value to your site.
  • Completely Customizable – by default the Twitter feeds will inherit your theme’s styles.
  • The Custom Twitter Feeds plugin will display Tweets that completely match the look and feel of your site and includes tons of customization options! Features Display completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawlable Twitter feeds on your website.

    Twitter widget